04 December 2008

Argh. And a Rant.

We put an offer in a great place over the weekend. After much hemming and hawing, it came back denied. Someone else put in a higher offer. Higher than the asking price. In this market. SERIOUSLY????

And while people mean well, I think if I hear the phrase "Well, that means the house for you is still out there" one more time I will scream. Loudly. My head may know that that's true. But I don't want to hear it. I'm not finding it. So unless you'd like to find the house for me- do not use that phrase.

In fact, while I'm thinking about it, there are a lot of things that applies to. I think as a human race we suck at trying to sympathize and in trying to "make" others feel better. Most funerals I have been to have included the phrase "At least he/she is in a better place". Really?!? How is that supposed to be comforting to someone that just lost their soul mate/child/parent? Are we that afraid of grief?


Cami said...

This is totally rant-worthy. Like you said, in this market!?!

Anyway, I'm sure that the house that is meant for you is in a better place. ;)

Amy said...

Just plain sucks! That's the best way I can put it!