28 April 2012

Wednesday Nights

Matthew is lucky enough to have two parents working with the youth. This means that every Wednesday he gets to go hang out at the church. This Wednesday was a combined activity in which Nick planned Broom Hockey.

One look at the action, and Matthew and his friend Jessie dove under the chairs for safety!

P.S. I still hate blogger. This post took 3 times as long as it should have.

27 April 2012

Did you miss us?

I get so tired of constant change. Especially online.
Facebook forced to timeline. I took that as my initiative to leave. And I thought I'd go back to blogging.
Now Blogger is forcing a change.
The problem is I tried those new ways. I hated them. There has always been something that doesn't work right, and usually doesn't work nearly as well as what came before.

I know change is inevitable, but if it's not broke, why fix it?
Here's a picture to tide you over while I decide if I'm just going to go back to writing emails instead of blogging and facebooking, and whathaveyou.

Or no picture. If I have to spend more than 5 minutes figuring out how to load a picture, it's not worth it to me.

You got lucky. It only took 4 minutes.