05 June 2008


Some days....or weeks....

We are in a waiting state. A very anxious waiting state. It doesn't help that he's in Boston and I'm in Utah.

To back up: we had the wonderful opportunity to be with my family as my two new brothers were sealed to our family. The used to be my nephews, but were legally made my brothers three weeks ago, and eternally made my brothers last Saturday. Since I currently am (happily) unemployed, my dad asked me to stay with the 3 youngest boys while him, mom, my sister and a brother went on a pioneer trek. Sure, why not. Nick had to fly back for work, so he left on Monday.

Monday we were anxious (when exactly is "early next week?"). Tuesday...still anxious. I hadn't heard from him yet, and was hoping for Wednesday. Then the text message came! Still in the running! Yeah!!! An interview was set for Wednesday. Unfortunately, the interviewer was sick. So it was tentatively rescheduled for today (Thursday). Unfortunately, still sick. So here we sit.

It wouldn't be so bad, but it's hard being this far apart. I know that if it's where we should stay, all will be well.

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