25 February 2011

11 Months Old

Matthew is 11 months old.

...loves to babble.
...has 5 teeth! (and 1 more on the cusp)
...is a great eater and enjoys everything, even chicken mulligatawny soup.
...has not conquered the baby gates yet (thank goodness!)
...enjoys music
...crawls pretty quick
...loves to push anything on wheels around the house
...loves to hold something in his hand while he crawls around the house (which makes it tricky to find remotes, toys, and sometimes kitchen bowls)
...presses as many buttons as he can, especially if they are lit.

11 February 2011

My Little Dancer

Matthew loves to dance. He dances to my phones ringtones, me humming, car radios, anything with a beat. I love the rhythm in his tush.

08 February 2011


Matthew's first bandaid.

My tape measure broke. Since the tape itself is fine, I was using it still. Unfortunately, Matthew is taller than I think. He grabbed it off the table, and sliced his finger. It's just a little cut, but I figured it was safer to keep it clean.

03 February 2011