said little Peggy Ann McKay.
"I have the measles, and the mumps,
A gash, a rash, and purple bumps.
Sick, by Shel Silverstein
I memorized this poem once a long time ago (I think it was Grade 9 drama class). And now every time I get sick, it's the first thing that runs through my head. I hate summer colds. They don't go away, and I feel worse because it's summer! I should be playing and laughing, not coughing up a lung!
I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a Patriots preseason football game this weekend. And there was no way I was missing it, so me and my sniffles, coughs, and Kleenex went with Nick to the game. It was fairly anticlimactic, as the Eagles scored 2 touchdowns within a minute or so. Then more flags, poor offense, and lackluster defense lead to the halftime score of 24 to 3. Most of the crowd gave up at the end of third quarter. Not us! We stayed to see the end. And we cheered loudly in the 4th for the touchdown. So with a final score of 27-17 we made our way to the parking lot.
I am very happy that we have been able to take advantage of this area and attend major games. We can now say we have been to an NFL game, NHL game, MLB game, NBA game (Jazz), and of course MLS (soccer). I would rather watch football on tv. I'd rather not watch basketball. Hockey I'd go to again, and baseball is only good in person, although there isn't much difference to me between the major leagues and kids. In fact, kids can be more fun to watch.
The other major event for us is (drumroll please)....

For the first time in 2.5 years we have a couch! A real couch! A couch people can sit on. We didn't get it in time that I could enjoy laying on it while sick. But at least I have it now.
Yes, pictures will come. But they will have to wait until I have the motivation to get the camera, and that is not right now.